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Meet MaggieG

Certified Health Coach & Lifestyle Expert

Hi, I'm Maggie Grueskin, and I'm the founder of Ekam Life and Lifestyle As Medicine LLC.

More than fifteen years ago, I discovered the Chopra Center and began devouring all the timeless wisdom from Yoga Philosophy, Ayurveda and Meditation.  Since then, I have been delighted to serve as a Lifestyle educator, speaker and coach and now have the pleasure of devoting my time to offer signature wellness programs online, and to build a yoga-inspired wellness community through our local non-profit group in San Antonio, Texas. Join us!

I have walked divergent paths, all of which utilize strategic planning to optimize systems. As an urban planner, I worked with cities and planning communities; as an economic development specialist, I worked with businesses and cities, and as an executive consultant I worked with Fortune 100 companies with location strategies and negotiations.  And now, in my current role as a Lifestyle and Wellbeing consultant, I am working with groups and individuals to establish new and empowered pathways to restore true health for whole-person wellbeing.

As Human Beings, we are the ultimate consumers of life, we believe that we not only eat food and water, but that everything that we take in to our bodies, into our minds and into our spirits, is a form of energy or information. These key drivers will either help us to stay healthy and in balance, or will be a chronic source or stress and drain on our energies. I am passionate about sharing a new way to live, one that has a "structure" to follow and a recipe for living, one based on using all of our senses to consume life with conscious awareness.  As awakened beings, we can now use our tools for living to enhance each day with meaning, gaining clarity on our Soul's purpose and clearing the blocks to achieve whatever we can imagine into our future. We co-create life, tapping into the infinite power of the Universe to guide us and elevate us to be our highest expression of our true Self.



My path to yoga lifestyle started in 1997, after I had been injured in a car accident.  Having suffered in all-body pain for more than 9 months and going through physical therapy and pain killers, my doctors just through their hands in the air and said to me that there is nothing more they can do, that this pain would be my "new norm" and learn to live with it, and almost as a passing comment, as I was leaving, my doctor said, or you can try something like yoga and see if that will help.  At the time, of course, I was willing to try anything, so I dutifully went and found the closes yoga class and began to practice three-times pre week.  The saving grace was that after about three months of consistent practice, I awoke one morning to discover something felt different, it was like there was an extra sense of quietness around me, and then I realized that it was the first time I woke up without the pain-body screaming at me from the get-go!  It was one of the happiest times in life, to be FREE of pain, as if to somehow have regained control of my own body!
Since then I have studied yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, holistic health coaching and most recently logotherapy.  We owned a yoga studio, Ekam Yoga in Houston and are now beginning to build an online Yoga Lifestyle community, focusing on workshops and retreats.
My passion is to make accessible to you, the ancient wisdom teachings of yoga and its sister science, Ayurveda while incorporating the latest research findings in Lifestyle Medicine, Neuroplasticity, Behavior Change and positive psychology.  I'll guide you into knowing your whole-self, identify patterns that optimize your lifestyle and co-create wellness plans for your unique nature.   Our evolving nature is best served when we are clear on our goals for each phase in life and have a decision-matrix that can help us make healthier and more conscious-based decisions that nurture us in body, mind and spirit.
My husband and I live in San Antonio, TX and it's an amazing time to watch his kids launch into their own lives, as they explore the world and begin new lives.   Some of our favorite pastimes are: mountain climbing, traveling, gardening, outdoor adventures, cooking, speaking Spanish and enjoying our two beautiful Siberian Forest Cats, Boris and Natasha!


Are you ready to play in this Game of Life? Let's use Health, as our most precious asset, in the service of creating our best life ~ let's begin that vision now,


Working together to build a better Qualify of Life for personal and planetary wellbeing.


In health,


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