Positive Intelligence®️ Program
Your mind is your best friend. But it can also be your worst enemy.
What is Positive Intelligence®️ ?
Why This Matters Now:
Today we are living with increased stress and uncertainty.
Our relationships are being continuously strained.
The changing work environment is becoming more uncertain.
Working remotely and living in seclusion is adding an additional level of strain on us and others.
Why Mental Fitness Makes or Breaks You?
Your mind is constantly sabotaging your potential for both performance and happiness. All your negative emotions, including stress, are the result of self-sabotage.
The breakthrough, research-based tools of Positive Intelligence®️ strengthen the part of your brain that serves you and quiets the part that sabotages you. You hand life's challenges with a more positive mindset, and less stress.
If you're physically fit, you can climb steep hills without physical stress. If you're mentally fit, you can handle life's great challenge without mental stress, frustration, and other negative emotions.
The Solution
The Positive Intelligence®️ maximizes both performance and wellbeing, while growing 17 of 18 EQ competencies.
These tools have proven to help people around the globe move from surviving to thriving both personally and professionally.
Learn to use these tools to hurdle over previous self-sabotage mental limits and learn ways to actualize your potential

On Becoming Anti-Fragile
Now more than ever, we need tools to avoid the overwhelm and ceaseless distractions that keep us in a reactive manner all day long.
Through an App and Web-based learning platform, learn to get back in the driver's seat of your own life with as little as 15-minutes of daily work-in practices.
Experience what true freedom of the mind feel like and get in control of your energy, emotions and experience higher levels of focus and concentration within just Six Weeks.
Learn the key areas of self-sabotage, then apply the tools and techniques in any setting to Strengthen the 3 Core Mental Fitness Muscles.

Are you ready to get to the root cause and finally end repeating negative patterns like:
Lack of short or long term focus or concentration causing poor performance, burnout or relationship conflicts
Self doubt, fear of failure or FOMO stressing you out in your career or keeping you stuck in the most important areas of your life
Avoiding health or relationship priorities procrastinating with distractions, overworking or negative coping in a vicious cycle of under-the-surface stress that drains your greater potential
Lack of self-discipline and quality time management to set or achieve clear health, work, relationship or family life goals or boundaries
The same negative emotional triggers repeating over & over again killing the intimacy in your relationships, hurting your work performance, weakening your leadership or sabotaging effective parenting.

Experience immediate and sustained improvements in both your wellbeing and performance.
6-Week Online Learning Program
Free APP for one year.
Downloadable Positive Intelligence eBook
PQ Self-Assessment
Small group dynamic learning experience

This is the Program for you if
☐ I am feeling the effects of increased stress and uncertainty
☐ I would like to relax more and work less
☐ I find myself not moving forward as fast as I know I can
☐ I procrastinate more than I should
☐ I beat myself up for things that are outside of my control
☐ I judge myself and others harshly
☐ I continue to be frustrated by the same things that challenge me
☐ I take on the stress of others I know or I hear about on the news
☐ I have moved from overloaded to overwhelmed
☐ I am ready for some guided help
If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, then this program may be exactly the solution you’ve been looking for

Boost Performance

Improve Wellbeing